The first
example is a antique trade card from the Christian Moerlein Company of
Cincinnati, Ohio. Moerlein was
born in Truppack, Bavaria in 1818.
He emigrated to the United States in 1841 at the age of 24, settling in
Cincinnati, a favorite locale for
people of Germanic heritage. His
initial occupation was as a blacksmith.
At some
point during the late 1840s, Moerlein began brewing beer in the rear of his
blacksmith’s shop, selling it to
friends and customers. His brew
proved so popular that it soon eclipsed his forge work. A Cincinnati businessman offered
to invest with him in founding an actual brewery. Thus, in 1853 Moerlein and his partner established the
Elm Street Brewery. The
enterprise was an almost immediate success. Moerlein’s was the first American beer to meet the strict
standards of the “Reinheitgebot,” the German beer purity law first decreed in
1516 by Duke Wilhelm IV.
Cincinnati beer drinkers, many of them of German descent, appreciated the quality and became a
solid customer base.
Those same
German-Americans would have been fairly well educated and would understand a
beer advertisement based on a Shakespearean theme. Here in a 1900s trade card Moerlein shows the
playwright himself enjoying a bottle of beer in a garden setting. The brewer has severely altered a
line from the play, “Othello,” in which the villain, Iago, is complaining about
his good name being besmirched.

Schlitz Beer
of Milwaukee also parodied Shakespeare in an early 20th Century trade card,
this time making use of the familiar figure of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. This ad features a point in the play
where the King, who has killed Hamlet’s father to gain the crown and
additionally has married Hamlet’s mother, addresses the young prince. Never in the play, however, are the
king and queen seen holding foaming glasses of beer.
frequently has been turned to advertising. The vintage ad for Dewar’s Whiskey is a send-up of the scene where the Danish prince confronts
the ghost of his slain father on the battlements of the family castle. In the play
it is a tense and
terrifying scene. Here the
king is a bottle of “Highland Whiskey” Scotch and Hamlet drops his sword in
excitement at the sight. I
have been unable to locate the line below attributed to Shakespeare” “Now do I wish it, love it, long for it, and will for
evermore be true to it.” It does not appear in Hamlet and may be the creation
of the ad writer.
A second
recreated scene from the battlements is more like the original. Here Hamlet is faced with a bottle of
“Old Rye” topped by a skull wearing a crown. This may have been a pro-Prohibition screed from J. H.
Mulhare of Lawrence, Mass. Mulhare
apparently would much rather that
customers smoked his cigars, chewed his tobacco, and sniffed his snuff than
take a slug of

famous soliloquy as he contemplates suicide, “To be or not to be, that is the
question....” frequently has been altered for comic effect. A cartoon from the 19th Century
shows two down-and-out chaps trying to scrape up a nickel to buy two glasses of
beer. In a more contemporary
ad, the Bard himself, holding a skull, asks the question: “To snackify, or not
to snackify?

The next
advertisement asks a similar question and attributes it to Shakespeare: “To cof
or not to cof; That’s the cof cof.”
It is an ad for a nostrum called Transpulmin, said to be a complete
treatment of cough and bronchial congestion, including: “All types of irritant and convulsant
cough of every genesis and degree of severity.” The active ingredient in Transpulmin is “guaifenesina y pipacetato.” It apparently is a Central American
The next
four Shakespeare ads are all from the early 1900s when beer companies vied with
each other to win customers.
Several of them decided on the efficacy of issuing colorful trade cards
that parodied the Bard. We have
already seen examples from Christian Moerlein and Joseph Schlitz Brewing. Others came from the Gund Brewing
Company of La Crosse, Wisconsin, and the Lemp Brewery of Saint Lewis.
The first is
taken from “Julius Caesar.” The
lines parodied are spoken by Caesar to Mark Anthony about Cassius, a ringleader
of his future assassination.
Earlier he has said of Cassius that “he has a lean and hungry
look....” The implication here is
that if Caesar had only handed out Gund Beer to the Roman Senate, he might have
In August of
1854, John Gund, a German immigrant started a brewery in the log cabin he had
built at the corner of Front and Division Streets in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It
was a small operation, even for those days. Over the years, as he continued expanding his brewery
business, the John Gund Brewing Company was organized and incorporated on May
1, 1880, with one hundred thousand dollars capital. The amount of business
being handled by the brewery increased steadily. Additions and improvements
were made to the brewery so that by 1897, the complex covered five acres. In
that year sixty thousand barrels of beer were brewed. Gund’s beer was shipped
all over Wisconsin, Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Gund’s Brewery was accounted the largest
in the Upper Midwest outside of Milwaukee.
It may have
been competition from other breweries like Schlitz and Pabst that impelled Gund
to issue his own set of Shakespearean trade cards. Another card replicated a scene from “The Merchant of
Venice” in which the moneylender,
Shylock, is swearing that he will not relent in taking “a pound of
flesh” from the hide of an aristocratic borrower who cannot repay. Here Shylock’s oath is to stand by Gund
Beer. Sir John Falstaff
shows up in several of Shakespeare’s plays. A favorite of theater goers down through the ages, Falstaff
was a hard drinking, big talking rascal.
Here he is shown in a scene from “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” where in
a “stage whisper” he is promoting Gund’s Extra Pale La Crosse Bottle Beer. 

Falstaff’s drinking habits it is
perhaps natural that an American brewery would name a beer after him. Johann Adam Lemp was born in 1798 in
Eschwege, Germany, and two years after his arrival in the United States in
1836, moved to St. Louis. He sought to make his fortune by
becoming a grocer; however he abandoned this dream when he realized his grocery
store was more popular for its lager beer than for its groceries. In 1840, Lemp
closed his grocery and opened a brewery and saloon. During the 1840s, Lemp moved the brewery to a larger complex
in south St. Louis and began training his son, William J. Lemp, to take over
the operations.
After the
elder Lemp died in 1862 William took over the brewery and purchased the
property that would become the Lemp Brewery complex in 1864. This property at
3500 Lemp Avenue, still stands in St. Louis today. The younger Lemp made Falstaff the flagship label of the
brewery. He issued a mechanical
trade card showing Sir John guzzling beer from a bottle. Empty now, at one time the bottle held
a granular substance that trickled down to a bottle on the other side of the
card, one being filled by a young boy.
These are
just a few of the advertisements that have been hived out of the works of
Shakespeare. They span more than
100 years and involve some of the Bard’s best known plays, from tragedies like
Othello and Hamlet to historical dramas like Julius Caesar and comedies like
the Merry Wife of Windsor.
All have been grist for the merchandising mill. From his grave in Westminster Abbey, I can
imagine Shakespeare altering his own famous line about lawyers in Henry VI,
Part 2. It would become: “First
let’s kill all the ad men.”
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