For a time those posts exhausted my supply of relevant images. In the ensuing three years, however, I have been able to collect other examples. For this post I have grouped them around three themes: 1) The use of what apparently was believed to be black language patterns, 2) the depiction of children, and 3) blacks shown at an occupation. For last I have saved an illustration that, at least for me, was startling.
We recognize that generations of hardships imposed on the African-American community created distinctive language patterns. Slave owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than English. This, combined with prohibitions against education, led to speech patterns that whiskey interests at the turn of the century apparently thought would have advertising value.
The first example here is from the Schuetz-Renziehausen wholesale liquor dealers of Pittsburgh, an outfit founded about 1880. It was a highly successful enterprise, occupying an eight-story building on Liberty Street. Frederick C. Renziehausen also became a major distiller of Pennsylvania rye whiskey. A trade card illustrates two well-dressed black youths who are riding in the back of a wagon driven by a similarly well-dressed adult and pulled by a mule. The wagon carries a huge bottle of whiskey. One of the boys is remarking to the driver: “Golly Boss, der will be no Bellyache dis trip — its ’Diamond Monogram.’”
The second example has the center black figure similarly enthusiastic about the whiskey he is carrying, in this case “Star Whiskey.” He is remarking “It ‘zactly suits dis chile.” The ad identifies the spirits as a whiskey distilled and warranted pure by C. L. Dixon of Cynthiana, Kentucky and names a New York distributing agent named W.B. Crowell Jr. Seen her in a multicolor chronograph, the same trade card was issued in black and white.
The next ad features “Old Harvest Corn whiskey. The picture is of a black couple sitting in a cabin in front of the fire. The woman has a small baby on her lap who reaches eagerly for a whiskey bottle. She is saying “He’s gittin’ mo’ like his dad every day.” But there is a second message in this scene as the sign, meant for saloons, indicates that Old Harvest Corn “was the cause of it all.” Are we to assume that whiskey was involved in the conception of this child?

My second theme is the use of sub-adults in such ads. We already have seen several youngsters. Here are three more, led by a small black boy with an ax who is menacing a chicken. It was issued by the National Distilling Company, an outfit that bought up distilleries and stocks of whiskey during Prohibition and by the mid-1930s was vigorously merchandising its products. The message here is confusing, seeming to identify the boy with Carrie Nation, the axe-swinging anti-alcohol zealot who had been long in her grave.
Although many of the youngsters shown are smartly dressed, the kid shown above is the real dude. He wears a straw hat, a checked coat, a cravat, a vest and striped pants. This dandy is saying in small letters on the base: “I take Old Continental Whisky! What do you drink?” Note that this young man is speaking “The King’s English.” This trade card was issued by the Bernheim Brothers of Lexington, Kentucky, whose ads did not always treat blacks subjects with the same respect.

Now we move to adult blacks seemingly engaged happily their respective occupations. The first is the label of a post-Prohibition whiskey called “Cotton Picker Corn Whiskey.” It depicts an elderly gentleman in the South standing amidst a field of fluffy cotton — definitely an idealized picture. The Old Quaker Company that issued it, however, existed north of the Mason-Dixon line in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.

The saloon sign for Hapstone Rye that ends this post still has me scratching my head. It appears to show a smartly dressed gentleman of color standing with a white woman with a low bodice who is eyeing him intently while in the midst of hiking her dress to fix a stocking. The sexual implications are evident. This was one of many pre-Prohibition brands from the Samuel Westheimer Co. of St. Joseph, Missouri. Given the anti-miscegenation laws in place in the South, one wonders what point Westheimer was trying to make with this image and how it was received.
There they are: eleven whiskey advertisements, including trade cards, newspaper notices, bottle labels and saloon signs — all depicting American blacks. If issued today most would be readily identified as racist — or at least distasteful. Distain, however, should not blind us to such images. They remind us of a past we should never, never forget.