The first weight shown here is from the Fish Bro’s Wagon Company of Racine, Wisconsin. This wagon was advertised as a farm wagon with “heavy teaming gears.” The Fish brothers were Titus, Abner and Edwin, originally from Janesville, Wisconsin. At their time Racine was a major center for wagon-building. The trio bought out an existing wagon maker and in 1866 formed their manufacturing enterprise. Using a fish as their company trademark, the brothers boasted that they made the best wagon on wheels.
A history of the firm relates that Fish Bros. turned out a wagon at a rate of one every half hour or 500 per month. According to his account it was a common sight in Racine during the company heyday to see: "...Strings of freshly painted wagons being hauled through the streets on their way to steamboat docks or railroad freight yards, headed for Mexico, South America, and Australia, to be used a livery, milk, lumber, and police well as phaetons, trotting buggies, road and spring wagons of every description."
No assembly line here. Each Fish Bros. wagon was handmade by workers who earned $1.25 to $1.75 an hour for shaping bar iron into wheels and crafting slatted wooden sides. The company’s main
Another Wisconsin manufacturer of wagons was the Stoughton Wagon Company from the city of the same name. This company had been founded at the end of the Civil War by T. G. Mandt. After he incorporated the Mandt Wagon Company he attracted many investors whom the owner came to believe were denying him business latitude. Taking his name and wagon patents with him, he left his company and began again.
Undaunted local investors took over management of the original Mandt factory, calling it Stoughton Wagon Co. Their products were built for a wide range of needs for farms, ranches, and businesses. Already boasting a broad distribution network throughout the U.S., the company continued to be highly competitive and prosperous. Stoughton Wagon advertised its products as being stronger and featuring better reinforcement for the wagon bed. While the company was best known for its farm and
A major competitor to the Wisconsin wagon makers was the Auburn Wagon Company. This well known farm equipment and carriage company originated in New York State but opened a plant in Greencastle, Pennsylvania, in 1893. Choosing to rent space rather than build its own factory, it employed 150 men there. Temporary quarters might also have suited its business outlook. When Martinsburg, West Virginia, offered a better facility, Auburn Wagon promptly pulled up stakes and moved out of Greencastle in 1896. Thus the paperweight shown here can be dated to a short, three year period.

If Fish Bros. claimed they made the best wagon on wheels, the Hackney Wagon Co. of Wilson, North Carolina, advertised that no wagon surpassed theirs “for style, durability & light running.” The founder was Willis Napoleon Hackney who became a partner in a carriage shop in Wilson about 1854. In 1903 Hackney’s sons, George and W. D., incorporated Hackney Wagon Company, a venture whose mission was to manufacture farm and delivery wagons. Although the firm prospered in the early part of the 20th Century from the demand for wagons, especially during World War One when horse-drawn vehicles were heavily used. In 1930, with the Great Depression and a glut of wagons in the postwar era, Hackney declared bankruptcy.
Coming out of receivership with new ownership, Hackney Wagon continued to manufacture wagons into the 1940s. From there the corporate history gets muddy. An outside firm purchased the company in the 1980s and continued to operate it in Wilson. In 1996 they moved all production to a site in Washington, North Carolina, and the Hackney name, which became identified with
My research yielded virtually nothing on the following paperweight except that the John J. App organization was a Colorado firm. Information gleaned from the weight itself indicates that the company was involved in manufacturing livestock and farm implement wagons. Interestingly, however, the illustration, somewhat damaged, appears to show a circus wagon being drawn by two horses. The wagon has a peaked roof and a picture painted on the side, typical of the circus wagons of that time
The App wagon, opens a door to other wagons constructed for specific purposes. Trimble & Welcher chose to feature their coal wagon, appropriately painted black, on a paperweight. This firm also provided bricks and kindling wood to customers. Details on this Patterson, New Jersey, outfit are scant. They show up in an 1888 city directory, located a East 18th Street. One of their owners was George C. Trimble whose home was at 357 Totoawa Avenue. This weight was made under patent to the Abrams Paperweight Company, that held the rights to a glass transfer process conveying the ad message.
The next weight was issued by the Franklin Fire Company of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. It shows two firemen and a single horse-drawn fire wagon. This company of volunteers was organized in

The Council not only chipped for construction and furnishing of a new firehouse, dedicated in 1905, but also bought the wagon shown here. It was the first hose wagon in town to be drawn by a horse. The Rabbit Hunters apparently had hauled their apparatus by hand through the streets of Chambersburg. Within a few years, the Franklin Fire Company began to agitate to be motorized. The city fathers thereupon bought a Ford chassis and the bed of the wagon was loaded on to hold the hoses.
I can remember the ice wagon rolling down the street in front of our house in Toledo, Ohio, looking much like the horse-drawn vehicle shown here on a weight. We had a refrigerator but many of our
As more and more people acquired refrigerators, the demand for ice dwindled to a trickle, forcing Chautaugua to close its doors in 1952, about the same time that the ice wagons ceased to rumble past my front porch. The building subsequently was used as a lumber and millwork warehouse until 1991 when the Senator Henry Heinz Center acquired the building and made it part of a museum celebrating the history of Western Pennsylvania. The Chautaugua Ice Company is memorialized there, as it is on the paperweight shown here.
Despite the next paperweight bearing my surname, I have no idea who W. E. Sullivan might have been. On this weight showing a moving van drawn by two non-tandem horses, Sullivan identified himself as president of what appears to be the Globe Company, apparently in the cartage and moving business. Movers then and now have favored paperweights as an advertising tool, likely figuring that they stay on customer desks for extended periods as reminders.
The final weight is a nostalgic one for me, remembering both the horse drawn hay wagons on the family farm during World War Two, when gasoline was scarce and animal power regained its former
There they are, ten wagon paperweights. Original wagons increasingly can be found in museums from coast to coast where they provide a down-to-earth look into America’s early transportation scene. Those wagons, however, occupy considerable display space. Our ten wagons can be accommodated within the dimensions of a cigar box. We have drawn them into this circle of our blog and taken a leisurely ride back into the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Sometime in the 1930's my mother pulled the pictured W.E. Sullivan President paperweight out of a trash bin in Salina Kansas. Knowing my very proper mother dug through the trash to retrieve this treasure still makes me smile. It survived that trash bin and her 8 children.
ReplyDeleteDear LaMax: Sorry to be so late in responding to your comment. Missed it earlier. You are fortunate to have found that vintage paperweight. It may not be very valuable, but is a piece of history. Jack