We begin by an image from the early 1900s that shows a baby apparently happily sucking on a bottle of Duesseldorf Beer. This was a product of the Indianapolis Brewing Company, originally founded by Peter Lieber and two partners, one of them his brother, about 1868. An ad slogan used by the company in the early 1900s claimed “for family use a speciality.” Whether this included tots as young as the one in the picture is open to conjecture, but images of infants and toddlers were commonly used by the brewery in its marketing. Indianapolis Brewing survived until approximately 1948.

Some child-plus-animal images came with an edge to them. This ad from the Christian Moerlein Brewing Company of Cincinnati is a take-off of the verse, “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” In this case the lamb has followed Mary to school where though the window the schoolgirl sees her teacher swigging a glass of Moerlein’s beer before class. This brewery began production in 1853 in Cincinnati, Ohio, founded by German immigrant Christian Moerlein. When forced by Prohibition to close its doors in 1920, it was among the ten largest in America by volume. The brand was revived in 1981.

Maier & Zobelein Brewery of Los Angeles gave their little starlet Shirley Temple-like curls and seated her within a basket of roses as part of a holiday greeting to their customers. Let us hope the thorns had been removed. In 1882 two German immigrants named Joseph Maier and George Zobelein purchased an existing brew house and renamed it for themselves. They made a light, pilsener-style lager that was becoming increasingly popular with the public during the latter half of the nineteenth century.

A few brewers found it useful to show their merchandising children in scenes of distress or delinquency. Frederick A. Poth, another Philadelphia brewery owner, decorated a trade card with four boys and one girl, apparently siblings, who have eaten hot mustard and now regret it. Poth had learn beer-making from the bottom up, shoveling mash out of the copper brewing vats and hefting massive bags of barley from delivery wagons. Seeing an opportunity in the 1876 Philadelphia Exposition, Poth opened a beer garden and served his own beer, eventually erecting a facility, according to observers, “…that grew to mammoth proportions and employed hundreds of workers.”
Like Buckeye Brewing in Toledo, the Franz Falk Bavaria Brewery in Milwaukee issued many advertising items with children depicted. Shown here are just two trade cards of Falk’s production. Neither image is particularly edifying. The one at left shows a juvenile who is smoking a cigarette while apparently wooing a young lady. At right, lad appears to be splashing water on a girl who clearly is not enjoying the experience. Franz Falk, after learning brewing in his native Germany, emigrated to Milwaukee in 1848. He eventually owned a major plant, occupying five acres, operating eight ice houses and on-site malting production of 100,000 barrels annually. He employed a hundred men, kept twelve teams of horses, made his own barrels and owned his own rail cars.
This journey through kids selling beer began with a baby sucking on a bottle. It ends with a trade card of a group of boys working their way through a case of beer— Yuengling as it turns out — while an irate woman fruitlessly threatens them. This trade card was issued by A. Liebler Bottling Company of New York City, an enterprise founded in 1887 that was a bottler of beer and other beverages, including Yuengling brewery of Pottsville, Pennsylvania, one that claims to be the oldest operating brewing company in America. One wonders what Frederick Yuengling, son of the founder, thought of his bottling company seemingly encouraging youth drinking while the Prohibitionists were hot to exploit all such inferences.
Using the images of children to sell beer appears to have been another casualty of National Prohibition. After Repeal fourteen years later, brewers decided that such images were no longer appropriate. Thereafter all the babes in beer ads have been fully grown, with curves.