In the decade of struggle over the banning of alcoholic beverages in the United States the proponents on each side were branded as “Wets” and “Drys.” The Wets were those who opposed a ban on strong drink on the grounds that it was an unwarranted infringement on personal liberty and the Drys who saw alcohol as the devil’s work and knew America would be a much better place without it.
By careful manipulation of public opinion, such as marches by substantial citizens as shown above, the Drys eventually were able to pressure “finger in the air” politicians into doing their bidding. With the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and Congressional implementing legislation known as the Volstead Act, National Prohibition,the so-called “Great Experiment,” became the law of the land in January 1920.
Among those outraged by Prohibition was a middle-aged aged native of Illinois named Rollin Kirby, shown here in a portrait, When Kirby’s career as an artist and illustrator proved disappointing, he turned to political cartooning. After working for two other New York City newspapers, he made his home and reputation at the New York World. He was there in 1920 when the saloons closed, bars were shuttered and liquor dealers by the thousands were left unemployed.

The figure soon “went viral” and became the icon for anti-Prohibition emotions being felt and expressed by millions of Americans. It was natural then that others would adopt the image and turn it to their own mocking purposes. Shown here is the patent design submitted in 1932 by inventor Alfred Flauder of Trumbull, Conn. Here Mr. Dry is just a head with in two phases, an evil grin and a fierce scowl. Approved as Design Patent No. 87,658, the device combined a bottle opener (the mouth), a jigger (the hat), a corkscrew, and on the back a swing down cocktail stirrer. It was manufactured by the Weidlich Bros. Mfg. Co. of Bridgeport, Conn. and marketed as the “4 -in- 1 Friendship Kit.”

The wide and gaping mouth on the next Mr. Dry indicates that it has lost some metal over the years opening, I hope, bottles of beer. Meant to be attached to a vertical wooden surface by screws though its ears, the cast iron face was the product of Wilton Products Co. which produced the item in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The Wilton family began casting metal along the Susquehanna River in 1893 and eventually became known for producing hand-painted cast iron objects, including bottle openers, trivets, candle holders and a wide variety of novelty items. From the number of them available on-line, this opener must have been a best seller.

With the progression of Prohibition into the 1930s, Kirby continued to satirize its adherents. In one cartoon published about 1930, shown below, he depicts the gent in three modes. In the first a neatly dressed Mr. Dry simply holds a sign reading "Thou shalt NOT!" The second Mr. Dry, gloating, holds a newspaper describing a "rum-runner" having been "shot by dry agent." In the third Kirby depicts a ragged Mr. Dry holding a tin cup and wearing a sign reading "I am starving.” It was an allusion to the fact that a backlash against the ban on drink was taking hold in the Nation.

The final picture here, taken shortly after Repeal, documents the “death” of Mr. Dry, hanged in effigy on a city street by a group of seven men. The sign affixed to the dummy indicates considerable
lingering hostility to those who had engineered 14 years without legal strong drink. It read “Death to the Drys.”
Mr. Dry disappeared from Rollin Kirby’s cartoons for the New York World but his ability was to win him the very first Pulitzer prize ever given to a political cartoonist. He would go on in his career to be awarded two more.

Mr. Dry disappeared from Rollin Kirby’s cartoons for the New York World but his ability was to win him the very first Pulitzer prize ever given to a political cartoonist. He would go on in his career to be awarded two more.